
National Volunteer Week 2024

National Volunteer Week 2024

Dear Anova Volunteers,
Happy National Volunteer Week!

This week gives us an opportunity to slow down in our fast-paced work and remember and appreciate that people like you help make Anova the safe, secure and welcoming place for survivors of gender-based violence.

Your volunteer work at Anova is so much more than the tasks you complete on a shift. Your presence, warmth and genuine care help all of us create a space that encourages and nurtures rest, support and growth.

Whether or not you get to interact with survivors or clients at Anova- please know that your presence is felt. Often, I hear from survivors who share with us about their experience at Anova- about how they felt heard, believed, welcomed or safe in our space. This is in large part, because of you and your work.

As a former Anova volunteer myself, I know many of you come to our space because you are called to support your community. I hope that you find as much fulfillment in your role as a volunteer as we experience having you all as part of our team.

With all my thanks,

Jessie Rodger Executive Director